Henry Freeland Buckner

August 23, 1907 Chelan Leader

August 23, 1907 Stehekin Notes Special Correspondence E.B.…

Chelan Leader Clips

Nov 14, 1901

Supt. Of Construction Henry Buckner, of the C.T.&S. Co., expects his family to arrive here this week and is rushing his residence to completion as rapidly as possible to be ready for their reception.

Nov 28, 1901

W.R. Murrell, a cousin of Sup. Henry Buckner of the C.T.&S. Co., accompanied by Mrs. Buckner and two daughters, arrived here Thursday from Republic. The first-named gentleman called to order the Leader and thinks likely he, too, will make this his home.

March 20, 1902

The contract to clear the streets in Gibson’s edition, of sagebrush, was let to Henry Buckner and work was begun Tuesday.

March 27, 1902

(There’s a rather long article about Henry Buckner stating that it is understood that Mr. Curtis, a Seattle gentleman, and Mr. Buckner have purchased the Wm. Donaldson place some two miles north of town, and it’s a good fruit ranch. Most of the article is concerned with their getting water rights for irrigation and piping it on into town.)

July 3, 1902

The Curtis-Buckner pumping plant was installed on the lake shore Saturday and will be utilized to raise water for street sprinkling during the Fourth of July celebration.

Sep 4, 1902

Having been disappointed in some of our plans, we have concluded to offer for sale our pumping plant and the lot on which it is located, either separately or together; also our ranch 1 ½ miles from Chelan. We will sell the land in small tracts with the water rights for same, if desired. Enquire of Henry F. Buckner, at ranch or in Chelan.

Curtis and Buckner

Sept, 1, 1902.

By Buckner

Oct 9, 1902

(Under the heading, “Council Meeting,” among other items of business:)

Messers. Curtis and Buckner were granted permission to lay water mains in the streets and alleys of Chelan.

Nov 21, 1902

Messers Buckner and Curtis’ water works system will soon be finishing spring water on the townsite. They reached the city limits with their pipe  trenches Saturday.

Dec 19, 1902

The Curtis and Buckner water system is being extended with surprising rapidity to all portions of the town, and the days of dependence upon the water-barrel supply are gone, let us hope, never to return. The realization that Chelan is now in possession of an ample supply of the purest spring water seems almost too good to be true, and it is a blessing that will be more appreciated as the days go by.

Jan 2, 1903

For sale, two small homes, one of ten acres and one of twenty acres, with water privileges, one mile from town. See Buckner.

April 17, 1903

Born, in Chelan on Thursday, April 9, to Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Buckner, a son. Dr. Mitchell reports mother and child are doing nicely.

Chelan Leader – In the May 8 issue there’s a copy of Ordinance No. 15 which was passed and ordered published the 4th day of May, 1903, at a regular meeting of the town council of Chelan. This is an ordinance “granting to “E.B. Curtis and Henry F. Buckner, their associates and assigns, the right to erect poles and stretch wires thereon for the transmission of electricity: regulating the placing and construction of said line.” It then goes on and outlines the ordinance in detail.
May 22, 1903

H.F. Buckner informed us Saturday that he was going up lake to take a three-month’s “rest.”

July 29, 1904

Mining in Horseshoe Basin

From H.F. Buckner, who came down to Chelan for supplies Saturday, returning Monday, it is learned that he has the contract to run a 700- or 800-foot tunnel in the upper Horseshoe Basin to intersect the Davenport ledge at a depth of 600 or 700 feet. The tunnel is owned jointly by the Cascade Gold and Copper Mining Co., and will occupy the better part of a year and cost from $20,000 to $25,000 to complete it. After the ledge is reached Mr. Buckner will drift on it to the intersection of the properties.

Some $700 or $800 is also being expended on the trail from Park Creek to the Basin. Eight men are employed in the tunnel and upon the trail and several more are to be put on. Mr. G.A. Head, then whom there are few if any more experienced mining men, has been secured to take charge of the mining operations and went up with Mr. Buckner on Monday. Two shifts of men will work in the tunnel continuously night and day.

The Davenport ledge was discovered many years ago by Messrs. M.M. Kingman and Al Pershall, away up in the sawteeth crags that mark the eastern and western Washington, and is remarkable for the great wealth of galena ore exposed at the discovery point. It may be remarked that the whole mountain thereabouts is seamed with valuable ore veins, and it would seem the foregoing that there is likely to be “somethin’ doin’” in that world-famous scenic and mining locality.

July 29, 1904

Henry F. Buckner came down lake Saturday from Horseshoe Basin and returned the first of this week.

September 2, 1904

Mine Accident

It is learned that a serious accident occurred in Horseshoe Basin Saturday evening last, in connection with the mining tunnel now being run by Contractor Henry Buckner. It seems that in firing the shots at the time mentioned, there was one that did not go off, and when the night shift began drilling one of the drills struck the old load and exploded it. A young man whose name our informant had not learned was the only one injured. He had a finger on his left hand broken and the hand otherwise badly wrenched, and his had was more or less scratched and bruised. He came to the head of the lake Sunday, where a physician who happened to be stopping there fixed him up somewhat, and came down to Chelan on the Chechahko Monday morning. He was fortunate that it was no worse. Later it is learned that the injured man’s name was Ed George. He is doing nicely under Dr. Wentworth’s care.

September 2, 1904

Horseshoe Basin

Henry Robbins, of Mansfield, Ohio, and D.F. Brubaker, of Ashland, Ohio, vice president and secretary, respectively of the Cascade Gold and Copper Mining Co., now operating in Horseshoe Basin, stopped at the Hotel Lake View House Monday night en route to Horseshoe Basin, going up the lake Tuesday. Their company is one of those who own the famous Davenport galena ledge and are running a union tunnel under the management of Henry F. Buckner to develop it at depth. The gentlemen are making their first visit to this section and to the property and we predict that they will be both surprised and pleased.

October 7, 1904

The Chelan Hardware & Furniture Co. has completed and shipped 500 feet of galvanized sheet air pipe up to H.F. Buckner, who is driving a 700-foot tunnel on the Davenport group in Horseshoe Basin. The piping was made telescopic, which will make it much easier to pack up to the mine, and it weights but 433 pounds. With this pipe the tunnel can be made free from smoke about 20 minutes after a blast is made.

October 14, 1904

Mrs. Henry F. Buckner is very ill with fever.

October 14, 1904

Henry F. Buckner came down from the mines last Thursday.

February 17, 1905

Henry F. Buckner got in Wednesday from Horseshoe Basin, having traveled to the head of the lake on snowshoes without any difficulty. He reports everybody well and everything going all right up there. The cabin at the tunnel is under 50 feet of snow. They have pushed the big union tunnel in about 250 feet and the work is going steadily on. Mr. Buckner has succeeded in burning a charcoal pit in the lower basin, making the pit in 12 feet of snow, and says he has enough coal to last him till July. He will visit Spokane before returning to the basin.

March 3, 1905

Ed George, who came out for the Davenport mine in Horseshoe Basin with Mr. Buckner two weeks ago, understood to return to the mine with supplies the latter part of last week, but could get no farther than Bridge Creek, where he was forced to abandon the trip on account of the softening of the snow and the continuous snow-slides.

March 10, 1905

Henry F. Buckner returned Tuesday night from a trip to Spokane and Seattle and reports matters in a most satisfactory condition for continuing development in Horseshoe Basin.

March 24, 1905

Miss George, who has been employed in the culinary department at Horseshoe Basin during the past winter by contract to Buckner, came down from Stehekin Wednesday, accompanied by Mr. Buckner.

April 21, 1905

Henry F. Buckner goes to Stehekin in the latter part of next week to superintend the stringing of the wire for his phone line from the head of the lake to Horseshoe Basin.

April 21, 1905

Horseshoe Basin

On Saturday the crew that have been working under contractor Henry F. Buckner, who is running a union tunnel to crosscut the big Davenport galena ledge in Horseshoe Basin, came down the lake, among them being Charles Anderson and J. Osborn, who have constantly at work in connection with the tunnel for seven months; Fred Mielike, who has been there three months; and M.M. Fay, who has been there about a month. As they have been working steadily for so long, and as some of the supplies were running low, Mr. Buckner thought it would do all hands good to get out and rest a while, but it is expected to resume work along about May 1st, or as soon thereafter as they can get in again.

It is understood that they have pushed the tunnel in 400 feet now, besides having to tunnel about 25 feet through the snow to reach the mouth of the tunnel proper. The cabin, which is built and securely anchored at the base of the saw teeth in the upper basin at an altitude of 8,000, is under 50 feet of snow, and it became necessary for the men to sink a shaft and keep it open through the snow to supply the cabin with air. It is estimated that about half the distance necessary to crosscut the main ledge has been driven, and that it will be reached some time next summer.

Mining under such circumstances at such an elevation is necessarily attended with great difficulties and drawbacks; but fortunately, in Mr. Buckner the joint companies who are paying for the development have the right man in the right place. He is possessed of the requisite qualities which guarantee success in such a venture, with ability and confidence and a never-failing enthusiasm, and there is every reason to believe that he will complete the contract in good shape – that is, to open up several feet before the surface that valuable and wonderfully situated property.

May 5, 1905

Henry F. Buckner’s wire and phone for his Stehekin-Horseshoe Basin line arrived this week and he went up lake Wednesday to begin the work of stringing the wire.

May 19, 1905

Henry F. Buckner came down from Stehekin Tuesday to get a team and wagon, and reports his telephone line completed to Bridge Creek, a distance of 15 miles, and in fine working order. That leaves about 12 miles to be completed. Mr. Buckner will get his crew back to work on the Davenport tunnel in Horseshoe Basin right away, he says, and will get in ample supplies.

June 2, 1905

Fred Buckner and his sister, Miss Bertha Buckner, came in from Spokane Sunday and went up lake Monday. They are cousins of Henry F. Buckner and will be employed by him at the Davenport mine.

June 9, 1905

Henry F. Buckner was an overnight visitor at the foot of the lake Tuesday. He reports the telephone is now in good working order between Stehekin and Bridge Creek. Miss George is now installed as operator at the latter place.

June 16, 1905

Mr. and Mrs. Felix Tester went to Stehekin Wednesday morning. They will spend the summer in the hills for the benefit of Mrs. Tester’s health. Mr. Tester will occupy his time with freighting and packing from the head of the lake to Horseshoe Basin for H.F. Buckner.

July 14, 1905

Henry F. Buckner went up lake yesterday en route to Horseshoe Basin, taking with him five packhorses for the trail.

July 14, 1905

Henry F. Buckner, the contractor who is running the big union tunnel in Horseshoe Basin to crosscut the Davenport ledge, came down on Saturday, and from him it is learned that they are now in over 400 feet, and the work of tunnelling is laid off temporarily in order to lay the steel track for the ore cars. While this is being done a part of the crew have been set to work on a shorter tunnel higher up, which will tap the great ore body withing 125 feet. The large tunnel is not expected to reaches the ore body at depth before next winter, and it will probably be over 800 feet long, all told. Mr. Buckner pronounces the Davenport to be without doubt the greatest ore body to be found in this district. He is also engaged in extending his telephone line, already in working order in working order from Stehekin to Bridge Creek, from that point to Horseshoe Basin, and will have it completed shortly, which will prove a great saver of time and money, as well as a great convenience.

July 21, 1905

Mrs. Henry F. Buckner and children came in Sunday from the Sound and went uplake Monday to join Mr. Buckner at Horseshoe Basin, where they expect to reside during the summer.

July 28, 1905

From Henry F. Buckner, who was down from Horseshoe Basin Saturday to Monday, it was learned that he is taking out a shipment of ore from the open chute of the Davenport mine. Meantime the work in the big tunnel goes merrily on. Mr. Buckner has built a cabin for his family at the mouth of Bridge Creek.

August 25, 1905

I.S. Reitze, of the U.S. Navy, and expert electrician, who is on a two-years sick leave, is a guest of the Field Hotel and has been employed by Mr. Buckner to put the Stehekin-Horseshoe Basin telephone line in first class shape.

A laughable incident occurred a the Hotel Field Friday night. Two lady guests were promenading on the porch after it had become quite dark. All at once they thought they heard a rattlesnake, and called for help. An investigation was made.

It was noticed that when they walked the “rattlesnake” sounded his rattles. When they stopped the noise ceased. Finally, when everyone was excited and the sensation was at its height, it was discovered that it was one of the ladies’ garters dragging that made the noise. Woof!

Sep. 8, 1905

H.F. Buckner’s family came down from Bridge Creek on Saturday’s boat and have taken up their residence in Chelan for the winter.

Sep. 22, 1905

E.B. Curtis, of Seattle, associated with Henry F. Buckner in the Buckner water system in Chelan, was a passenger up lake last week en route to Horseshoe Basin.

September 22, 1905

Highly Pleased with the Mine

Messrs. R.S. Gorrill, of the Hypotheekbank (building and loan association?) and Alex M. Hogg, both prominent Spokane business men and stockholders in the Horseshoe Basin Mining and Development Co., who together with Supt. Daniel Fisher of that company have been examining into the resources and conditions of the Davenport mine in Horseshoe Basin, came down the lake Friday on the steamer Belle and departed for Spokane Sunday morning.

The Leader enjoyed a call from the gentlemen Saturday evening, and both expressed themselves highly pleased with everything in connection with the mine. Mr. Gorrill, who by the way was at one time a resident and postmaster at Lakeside, and they had made a through examination of the tunnels now being run by Henry F. Buckner under contract and had found everything going very satisfactorily. They had climbed, by the aid of ropes, up into the crags where the Davenport ledge is exposed for many feet, and were literally astonished at its extent and richness. Mr. Gorrill said: “It is as clear cut a fissure vein as you could find anywhere and there is not doubt about its’ going down.” He thought the union tunnel now being driven by Mr. Buckner and which is expected to strike the ledge in a distance of about 800 feet (over half of which is already competed) would tap the ledge between 700 and 1,000 feet below the cut crop, and should reach it by next March.

Supt. Fisher will remain in the Basin several weeks, or until all the needed supplies are in place and everything is in readiness for the winter’s work, which is to be pushed straight through without any letup.

It is expected that Mr. Buckner will make another trip to Chelan before he finally holes up for the long pull through the winter.

October 13, 1905

Horseshoe Basin

From contractor Henry F. Buckner, who paid a visit to Chelan extending from Saturday until Wednesday, it is learned that development is progressing steadily in the big Davenport mining tunnel in Horseshoe Basin. The iron has been laid and the car in operation in some time. The new cabin is about completed.

When Mr. Buckner left there on Thursday of last week the snow was three feet deep in the upper basin and says it has been snowing and storming there almost constantly since August. Development work is carried on there under great difficulty because of such adverse weather conditions, the tunnel being at an elevation of about 8,000 feet, but they have their supplies all in and are prepared to go though the winter all right, expecting to strike the main ledge by or before next March. There will be a crew of five men, besides Mr. Buckner and the cook. A distance of over forty feet has been made in the tunnel since the last report, leaving about 350 feet yet to go.

Oct. 27, 1905

William Buzzard came down from Stehekin on Tuesday’s boat and remained over until this morning. He reports eight feet of snow already in the Horseshoe Basin and upper Stehekin Valley. He has been helping Henry F. Buckner get in his supplies this fall and says it was a most disagreeable job on account of the unfavorable weather.

November 10, 1905

Horseshoe Basin

Henry F. Buckner came down Saturday from Horseshoe Basin and will return today. He came to bring his horses out for the winter and thinks this will be his last trip for the winter. He has succeeded, after almost unsurmountable difficulties, in getting all his supplies to the mine and is comfortably housed. The weather conditions at the basin have been very severe ever since August, and the winter snows set in two or three weeks earlier than anyone looked for. On this account miners in Thunder Creek, Park Creek and other points in the mountains have been compelled to postpone operations until another season as the unusually early winter caught them before they could get their supplies in; so that this winter Mr. Buckner’s will be the only crew that will continue work throughout the winter. During his absences, Mr. Buckner has one shift at work in the big Davenport tunnel, and upon his return and throughout the winter two shifts will be run and the big bore will be steadily pushed towards the ledge – which promises to be rich enough to handsomely reward its owners for all time, hardships and money expended upon it. Mr. Buckner deserves great commendation for the clear grit he has displayed in sticking to his contract under all circumstances.

January 12, 1906

A letter of date of January 6 from Henry F. Buckner at Horseshoe Basin says: “Our new house solves the matter of living and working in the Basin. It is light, dry and warm and we are comfortable, contented and happy. We are getting along very nicely, although the rock has been harder than usual for the last 40 feet. By February 1st we will be in about 500 feet. We are considerably over the 450-foot mark now. We are having an unusually good winter. There is nothing like the snow there was last winter.”

January 12, 1906

Robert N. Pershall went up to Horseshoe Basin last week to take the mail up to Buckner’s camp, returning Wednesday. He reports not over six feet of new snow in the upper Basin, and that it was the easiest winter trip he ever made up there. He was accompanied by a man named Brooks. The crew is driving eight inches per day in the Davenport tunnel, which is now in 475 by actual measurement, and Mr. Pershall believes they will have to run at least 400 feet further to strike the ledge.

Feb 9, 1906

Henry F. Buckner made a business trip to Spokane Monday.

February 9, 1906

Henry F. Buckner came down from Horseshoe Basin Saturday, in company with E.O. Kelly, one of his workmen, who became ill and had to come out, and expects to take three men back with him and put another shift in the long tunnel, which is now in about 500 feet. Mr. Buckner reports the snow in the lower basin is only four feet deep and three feet deep at Bridge Creek, which is remarkably light. The work in the tunnel is going on in fine shape.

March 2, 1906

Endorsed at Home

Chelan, Wash., February 17, 1906

We, the undersigned, citizens and business men of Chelan, Washington, desire to go on record as having every confidence in our fellow townsman, Henry F. Buckner, who is driving the Tobe tunnel in upper Horseshoe Basin on contract. We thoroughly disapprove of the advertisement in the last issue of the Chelan Leader, over the signature of Daniel Fisher, president of the Horseshoe Basin Mining and Development Co. as being unnecessary for the protection of his company and uncalled for by any serious condition that now exists or is likely to exist; we believe that it is intended to be harmful to Henry F. Buckner.

Therefore, be it Resolved, that we publish this statement in the Chelan Leader as long as the advertisement of Mr. Fisher is published, and that we send a copy to each of the companies interested in the Tobe tunnel.

J.A. Van Slyke, Banker

The Ellis-Forde Co., General Merchants

Jackson and Co., General Merchants

E. Stichter, Merchants

Richardson Drug Co., Druggists

Marshall and Armour, Feed Store

Weber and Weber, General Merchants

C.E. Whaley, General Merchants

DeWitt C. Britt, Publisher, the Chelan Leader

Chelan Meat Market, R.E. Blakeney, Proprietor

John Burkhart, Blacksmith

John Highland, Chelan Hardware and Furniture Co.

W.M. Isenhart, Post Master, Chelan

M.E. Field, Hotel Field, Stehekin, Wash.

March 9, 1906 – this issue of the paper has the endorsed home letter from the men supporting Buckner plus the two notices from the presidents of the mining companies.
March 16, 1906 – the letters about Henry Buckner are still in.
April 6, 1906

Henry F. Buckner went to Wenatchee on business Wednesday.

April 13, 1906

Henry F. Buckner came up river Wednesday and reports that the G.N. surveyors have moved camp up to the mouth of the Entiat and are working this way.

May 4, 1906

Henry F. Buckner returned from Spokane Tuesday and informs the Leader that the parties to the Tobe tunnel contract, in Horseshoe Basin, will be here this week and that a full settlement will be made with him.

May 11, 1906

Messrs. Daniel Fisher, Osburne and Henry F. Buckner returned Tuesday from their trip to Horseshoe Basin, whither they went last week to measure up the work done on the tunnels on the Davenport mine, preparatory to a settlement with the contractor, Mr. Buckner.

September 21, 1906

It is learned from H.F. Buckner that it is his intention to build a good cabin on the Blue Devil and Black Warrior ledge, or in that vicinity yet this fall, and if that can be accomplished, development work will be carried on all winter on the property.

October 12, 1906

Henry F. Buckner, who came down from Stehekin Saturday, informed the Leader that he had found it impossible, owing to the lateness of the season, to build the proposed cabin in Horseshoe Basin on the Blue Devil and Black Warrior claims and stock it with supplies for the winter, and that therefore work had been shut down on that property until spring.

November 30, 1906

Mervin Archer was down from Bridge Creek last week, where he has been working for Henry F. Buckner. The latter has a force of men at work at the confluence of the Stehekin river with Bridge Creek, developing one of the finest water powers in the mountains. The men will be engaged this winter in running a tunnel for that purpose. It looks very much like “somethin’ doin’” there next year, and that “somethin’” may be the building of an electric line from Stehekin to Horseshoe Basin, which at this writing appears extremely likely.

March 29, 1907

No Short Tunnel

Since the publication of last week’s Leader, which contained an interview with Henry F. Buckner relative to development work that was expected to be done in the Horseshoe Basin country this year, a change has been made in one important company’s plans which will more or less affect operations in the whole district. The Horseshoe Basin Mining and Development Co. has decided not to drive the short tunnel into the Davenport ledge and has also cancelled its permit for Mr. Buckner to take out and ship ore from the surface cropping’s.

Mr. Buckner requests the Leader make the following statement for him:

Editor, Chelan Leader

Sir: Since making the statement to you last week of work to be done in the Basin country this year, the Horseshoe Basin Mining and Development Co., of Spokane, have met and divided to not drive the short tunnel, and also revoked the permit to ship ore this summer. We regret this very much, for it will affect most unfavorably much other work which to a very great extent depend on the driving of a short tunnel this year. Ordinately, under such circumstances, we console ourselves with the thought that the misfortune, whatever it might be, “might have been worse.” In this case we are denied this solace, for the blow to the Basin country by this act is a knock-our blow – it could not be worse. The fact that such a policy is unnecessary, uncalled for and unwise only adds to our regret. I ask the readers of the Chelan Leader to watch the result in the future of this policy. Respectfully,

Henry F. Buckner

May 31, 1907

H.F. Buckner left yesterday morning on an extended business trip to Seattle and Spokane where he will arrange details for work which he expects to do in the upper Stehekin country this year.

June 14, 1907

Henry F. Buckner returned Sunday from a business trip outside. While away he attended a meeting of the officers and directors of the Horseshoe Basin Mining and Development Co. held in Spokane to consider a proposition offered by J.J. Donovan, of Bellingham, to drive a short tunnel to tap the Davenport ledge on the company’s property in the basin. Mr. Buckner says that, while the directors did not see fit to take up Mr. Donovan’s proposition, they made concessions in the management which were satisfactory to Mr. Donovan, who is a heavy minority stockholder, and that as a result much work besides continuing the long tunnel will be done in the basin this season. The meeting, he says, was entirely harmonious and a satisfactory adjustment of the factional differences heretofore existing in the company was reached, so that all dickering as to policy will be done away with in the future. Mr. Buckner thinks that the prospects for the basin country were never brighter than at present.

July 19, 1907

The Hotel Field, always famous for its comfort and good cheer, is better than ever this year, and considering the lateness of the season, is sheltering a large number of guests, all of whom are loud in praise of its ample accommodations and especially of its appetizing tables. It is located in a spot of rare beauty and is health giving. As a single instance, Editor Britt, of the Chelan Leader, who is just recovering from a four-month illness, made a gain of eight pounds in one week. It is understood he and his little son Bryan will remain here for some time.

Mr. M.E. Field returned Tuesday evening from an extended trip with his pack train to Horseshoe Basin and Bridge Creek with miners’ and tourists’ supplies.

Since last year some noticeable and important changers have been made in the grounds of the hotel. The landing place of the steamers has been changed and a new wharf has been built further south and with a much better landing and new fences and sidewalks are in evidence. Ed Merritt’s portable sawmill saws out all the rough lumber required right here at home.

F.W. Vollmer is building a handsome bungalow n his property here, to be used as a summer residence. Several well known lower lake people are employed in its construction, among whom are J.W. Chatfield, of Chelan, and R.M. War, of Lakeside, the latter building a stone foundation and chimneys, including a fine fireplace. Mr. Vollmer, assisted by Mr. Purple, is also clearing and preparing to seed down some meadow land.

The trout fishing is just splendid at present, nearly every fishing party bringing in fine catches, many of the larger ones weigh from three to six pounds. Those who come here for the fishing are certainly not disappointed.

Parties down from Bridge Creek report a large crop of huckleberries on the mountains thereabouts now ripening.

The Hotel Buckner, which was a boon to the traveling public last year under the management of Mrs. Henry Buckner, has been reopened this year at the Bridge Creek camp, with Miss George, of Chelan, in charge of the culinary department. The upper terminus of the telephone line, fifteen miles long, between Stehekin and Bridge Creek, is located at the Buckner camp, and is proving of inestimable value.

Quite a number of campers are located at Bridge Creek for the season, where they can fish for brook trout and gather huckleberries.

Mrs. Clifford Griggs and children, together with some friends from Wenatchee, came up to Stehekin Monday to spend the summer, and Messers. Allyn and Hunter, the noted sheep men, have also secured quarters for the season at Hotel Field. Mr. Hunter is here now and Mr. Allyn is expected soon.

Mr. Howard A. Graham is now installed as chief clerk at the Hotel Field, a position in which he shines to perfection, though it is a place which takes a hustler nowadays. Mrs. Graham is also here and is understood to be steadily improving in health.

U.S. District attorney A.G. Avery and wife, of Spokane, spent one night here last week and were delighted, as everyone else is, with the place and surroundings and especially with Hotel Field.

Weaver brothers, the furriers and taxidermists, have unusually fine stock of furs on hand, consisting of lap robes, rugs, big black and brown bear skins, cougar, linx, bobcat and others. Their business is rapidly growing. It is understood they will close shop for the winter and visit Alaska to trap and traffic for furs during the winter, returning here to reopen in the spring.

April 10, 1908

Henry Buckner spent several days the past week at Wenatchee before the board of commissioners seeking county appropriation for the Stehekin valley wagon road. He came home on Tuesday’s stage, bringing the impression that the desired appropriation will be made.