Stehekin Notes

Special Correspondence

H.A. Graham has resumed his position as chief clerk at the Hotel Field.

Mrs. K.B. Wuelfingen, of Dutch Harbor, is registered at Hotel Field.

It has been more or less rainy for the last several days and new snow fell on Castle Rock mountain Thursday night.

Editor Britt, who has been a guest at Hotel Field for nearly five weeks, is rapidly recovering and has gained over 20 pounds since coming here.

G.C. Mantel, of Spokane carries the record for the biggest trout caught this season. It was caught Thursday with a troll, and tipped the scales at 9 ¾ pounds.

Mrs. C.E. Whaley and little daughter Frances, of Chelan, accompanied by Mr. Whaley’s sister, Mrs. G.S. Lowe, of Moline Ill., came uplake Friday and are registered at Hotel Field.

The Standard Mining Co., of Seattle is taking a large amount of machinery and supplies into Thunder creek, including a concentrator and ore crusher, and expects to keep work going throughout next winter.

State Fish Commissioner John L. Riseland of Bellingham visited Stehekin Thursday, returning downlake the same day. He stated that he came to see about the installing a better water system and making other needed improvements in the trout hatchery.

A camping and fishing party, consisting Messrs. Frank Mowrey, Joe Navarre, Sam Saffle and a Mr. Downs, the later a friend of R.J. Ummel, visited the head of the lake Thursday. They came uplake in a row boat and had been out about a week before they arrived here.

Daniel Fisher, president of the Horseshoe Basin Mining company, and John L. Dunn, treasurer, of Spokane, and A.J. Brubacher of Ashland, Ohio, came up Wednesday and proceeded at once to Horseshoe Basin, with the purpose of making a survey to determine how far the union tunnel has to be extended to crosscut the Davenport ledge.

H.A. Graham returned Thursday from a business trip to Seattle. It is learned from him that in the condemnation suit brought against the Washington Land & Investment Co. by the Chelan Electric Co. arrangements have been practically agreed on for a compromise, by which the aforementioned company acquires the land and water rights sued for. Mr. Graham was the local representative of the W.L. & I. Co. The price was not stated, but seems to be satisfactory to both parties.

P.E. Connelly came down from Horseshoe Basin Thursday and went down to Chelan Friday, expecting to return Saturday. He informs us that the open cuts recently made by his crew of men on the Blue Devil and Black Warrior here have shown up a very fine body of ore for inspection. They are now engaged upon the same kind of work on the Davenport, but it is tow early yet to report results. H.F. Buckner accompanied Mr. Connelly to Chelan.