Merritt E. Field
June 16, 1892
M.E. Field, a relative of P.H. Farley, was in the city one day last week, en route to Stehekin with the outfit for a new hotel at that very promising burg. |
August 11, 1892
John Ohlhausen, lately of Ellensburg, brother-in-law of M.E. Field, the hotel man at the promising town of Stehekin, has accepted a position on the Leader’s mechanical staff. |
August 11, 1892
An article about the Republican County convention states that M.E. Field was appointed district committeeman for the Stehekin valley. |
August 18, 1892
A valued correspondent sent the following news items from the head of the lake by steamer Saturday: The following parties went up to Horseshoe Basin this week: Capt. Johnson, A.T. Greene of Waterville, Charles Abercrombie, Stewart Johnson, Ed Larrabee, Joseph Darnell, W. Henry and son Dan, Mr. Kingman and Alson Hole. M.E. Field, proprietor of the Hotel Arganaut, is finishing up his hostelry in very elegant and luxurious style, and when it is completed we can rightfully boast of having the best hotel in the county. It will be first-class in every particular. J.F. Samson and Lloyd Pershall came down from Horseshoe Basin Sunday, bringing some fine ore specimens to be assayed, returning Friday to finish their assessment work. Misses Lizzie Cavanaugh and Anne Underwood are now occupying the neat little residence belonging to Mr. Roberts, formerly of this place. Mrs. Capt. Johnson, of Chelan and Mrs. Greene, of Waterville, were guests of Miss Cavanaugh Thursday and Friday. Mrs. J.F. Samson has united with the firm of Cavanaugh and Underwood and will remain until the termination of Miss Cavanaugh’s school. Mrs. C.C. Campbell, of Chelan, is also visiting the above named firm. Mrs. Charles Cole is on the sick list. Donald Ferguson, than whom no one in this community is more highly respected and esteemed, thoroughly established his reputation last Sunday as a brilliant schemer, by dragging a fine large trout from the river with a rock tied to its tail. He is suspicioned of inventing this mode of anchoring fish in order to pose before his eastern friends as a successful fisherman, but it didn’t work in this instance. Mr. Ferguson took a party of capitalists and mining experts up to Horseshoe Basin this week. To say they were well pleased with the outload is putting it mild. They said it greatly exceeded their anticipations. |
November 17, 1892
M.E. Field, proprietor of the Hotel Argonaut at Stehekin, and John Ohlhausen, the very efficient type of the Leader office, took their departure on Thursday of last week for Ellensburg, on court business, expecting to be absent about ten days. |
December 1, 1892
M.E. Field, of the Hotel Argonaut at Stehekin, returned from Ellensburg Monday evening, having walked all the way from Wenatchee in order to be able to catch a boat upp the lake Tuesday, not knowing of the change in schedule. He departed for home today. John Ohlhausen, the Leader typo who accompanied him, was expected to arrive via Waterville Tuesday, but has not arrived. |
March 30, 1893
G.W. Hall, who came down from Stehekin Sunday, informed the Leader that he has sold his valuable ranch property there to M.E. Field and intends emigrating somewhere to the southward. |
October 19, 1893
Rev. Mr. Wise went up to Stehekin last week for the purpose of uniting in marriage M.E. Field, of the Hotel Argonaut, and Miss Mattie Ohlhausen. As the minister has not at this writing returned it is not known for certain whenter the happy event took place or not, but as the young couple are awfully nice people and very popular the Leader congratulates them anyhow and wishes them unlimited matrimonial felicity. |
October 26, 1893
The Leader was correct in its announcement, last week, of the happy marriage at Stehekin, the time and place hereinbefore states, of Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field and Miss Mattie Ohlhausen. May these Fields be ever garlanded with the bright and beautiful blossoms of undying love and bask in the golden sunshine of perpetual prosperity. |
July 26, 1895
J.W. Horton and M.E. Field of Stehekin started Sunday across the range to the Twitsp to meet Messers. Wilson, Weltz and Watson, state road commissioners. |
September 6, 1895
R.J. Watkins reports that M.E. Field of Stehekin has been up to the new gold find and located a claim and expresses himself as believing the camp to be one of the richest he ever saw. |
Nov 15, 1895
Letter from Stehekin Twistp Horton and Charlie Cole are on the hunt. Jim Scheuyeaulle is getting out timber for a new house. M.E. Field and W.J. Jewell are in the shingle business. Gus Anderson and M.A. Almendinger have gone over the summit to do assessment work on the Eldorado. R.N. Pershall is building an addition to the north end of his residence. He returned from Meadow Creek a few days since, where he has been doing some assessment work. If there is much ore in the camp like the specimens he brought up with him, that camp will surely be one of the best in the state, situated as it is, right on the bank of the lake, and where the climate is such that there will be no difficulty in working all winter. Mr. Pershall has been in the mining business nearly all this season. He commenced work on the Isoletta group in May and worked in that vicinity nearly all the time until the middle of October. It is understood he has represented about seven claims in the Bridge Creek district also. Doty and Young did considerable work on the North Fork of Bridge Creek. Dr. Gage and parties from Seattle also did work in that vicinity. But probably there has been more actual money expended in Horseshoe Basin than at any other place of the same area in the county. Capt. Chas. Johnson had men at work on the Homestake and Star for some time. A.M. Pershall had several men on the Davenport and Christie claims. Ed Christie, Lloyd Pershall and Frank Samson did work on the White Cap and Opal. Harry Adams of Portland represented the Ferguson group and employed eleven men, working three shifts of eight hours each daily. He paid $2 per day and board. Five men out of the eleven have ranches at Stehekin or Bridge Creek. Two more have claims just over the summit, and two others live at or near Chelan. So it will be seen that nine out of the eleven live in this locality and receive something over $600 in wages – which is sufficient in proof of the checks being good. As it was reported that we were half starved, our bill of fare is given herewith, as follows: Potatoes, beans, cabbage, onions, ham, bacon, beef, bread, butter, canned corn, canned tomatoes, condensed milk, Worcester sauce, vinegar, salt, pepper, tea and coffee. Even the last four or five days, when we ran short, we had plenty of bread, potatoes, tea and coffee, etc. Mr Adams took a great interest in the work and did all he could to make it pleasant and comfortable for his men, and paid cash for all he had done. Frank F. Keller Stehekin, Nov. 13, 1895 |
February 21, 1896 (ad)
The Hotel Argonaut M.E. Field, Prop., Stehekin, Wash. One of the loveliest spots on Lake Chelan. Superb trout fishing. At the head of navigation. Surrounded by alpine scenery. Only three miles from the famed Rainbow Falls. The health and pleasure seekers’ Mecca. Every attention shown to guests and rates reasonable. |
March 20, 1896
W.J. Jewell, who has been with M.E. Field in the Hotel Argonaut in Stehekin for a year or two and who has been visiting for several weeks in Chelan, returned up the lake today. Mr. Jewell is interested in Meadow Creek mines to some extent. The Leader enjoyed a call Monday from the gentleman. |
May 1, 1896
New Mining District Organized Stehekin, Wash., April 28, 1896 – Pursuant to call, the miners of the old Bridge Creek Mining District met at the post office in Stehekin and proceeded to organize a new district, called the Stehekin Mining District, with the boundaries as follows: Beginning at the mouth of Prince Creek, thence to its source, thence along the divide between the Methow and the Lake to the head of Bridge Creek in the main Cascade Range, thence along the divide to the head of Agnes Creek on Railroad Creek, thence down that creek to its mouth. The meeting was called to order by F.F. Keller, and on motion W.P. Robinson was elected chairman and Dan Devore secretary. F.F. Keller was elected Recorder for the district, and the following committee on rules and regulations was appointed by the chairman, and ordered to report within 60 days, viz: M.E. Field, Wm. Buzzard and R.M. Pershall. The following named claim owners and prospectors signed the proceedings and the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the Recorder: Geo. Young, Peter Robichand, Wm. Buzzard, J.W. Horton, George R. Curtis, John E. Merritt, Joseph Lebl, F.F. Keller, R.M. Pershall, S.B. Johnson, W.P. Robinson, Dan Devore, Geo. L. Rowse, the latter by proxy. |
July 10, 1896
We are sorry to learn that high water has ruined the gardens of A.M. Pershall, M.E. Field and others at the head of Lake Chelan. |
July 31, 1896
It is learned that M.E. Field of Stehekin has a contract to supply the chief provisions used by the state road force on this side of the divide, and that that gentleman buys his supplies of the home merchants – which is just as it should be. Our item last week in relation to the matter should have been credited to the P.I. (Week before: “State Road Commissioner Watson buys his supplies in Seattle.”) |
October 16, 1896
It is learned with pleasure that Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field and Miss Tennie Culbertson of Stehekin will remove to the foot of the lake for the winter. |
June 4, 1897 Joe Leebel came down on the Stehekin Tuesday, returning to the head of the lake on Thursday’s boat. He and M.E Field intend to do some prospecting in the vicinity of Company Creek. |
June 18, 1897
Uplakets Louis Meier has a new cabin at the mouth of Camas Creek. Moore’s Point is attracting not a little of the tourist and mining travel this season. Frank Larson has an excellent farm just below Moore’s Point, and a sightly home on the lake shore. It is altogether probable that a matting plant will be erected at Meadow Creek ere this time next year. Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Purple and three children of Tacoma, lately from Montana, have settled at Stehekin, were Mr. P. will engage in mining. Dr. W.C. Hunt, dentist, and Frank Bratton, photographer, both Spokanites, are “doing” the Lake Chelan, Horseshoe Basin and Twitsp sections for health and scenery. William Buzzard pleasantly entertained ye quill pusher at his farm, under the spray of Rainbow Falls, one day last week. Mr. B. has a valuable and beautiful home that will be worth a barrel of money one of these days, it is hoped. Among the bales of fine furs, goat, bear and linx skins which Red Pearl is getting ready to ship from the head of the lake, is a monster mountain lion skin which measured eight feet in length. The Stehekin Mining Co., of Spokane has organized to develop seven claims at Company Creek, and last week John Blackburn, an old Coeur d’Alene mining man, was sent out to run a 100-foot tunnel on the property. The latest discovery in Meadow Creek camp, on Fish Creek, properly, is the Golden Eagle, located by Messers Thomas Wilson and G.A. Olsen. We have a piece of the ore which looks remarkably well. Not least among the attractions at the Hotel Arganaut are two bear cubs, one black and one brown. They were captured by Bud White, who shot the mother and presented the orphans to Mrs. Field. A blast in the working tunnel of the Blue Jay just after noon on Saturday before last broke into quite a fissure, out of which a five-inch stream of water flowed for several hours. C.H. Cole is farming and gardening quite extensively this year. His place is just below Deer Point, opposite 25-Mile Creek. He is going to surprise the natives with his exhibit at the fair next fall. Mr. Cole is making a nice home for himself and family. The scribe is informed that just above Navarre’s famous lime ledge, below Deer Point, there is a mineral outcrop which is claimed to have assayed as high as $17 in gold to the ton, but nothing has been done with it, so far. We give it as we got it. Away near the Idaho mine, on Meadow Creek, during the thunder storms of two weeks ago, the lightning struck in the top of a fir tree about a hundred fee high, tearing out a strip seven inches wide around and around the tree to the roots, where it disappeared to the ground. Dr. E.W. Wood, of New York, is visiting the great mining camps along and above Lake Chelan. The doctor, who has worldwide experience as a traveler, says three is noting in Switzerland that equals our mountain scenery. He is also greatly impressed with the magnitude and apparent wealth of our mineral ledges. Mr. Wood is looking for mines for New York capitalists and says he can bring more money here for investment than the steamer Stehekin can carry, if we can show that we have the mines – and in the light of recent developments and discoveries there should be no trouble in doing that. The doctor and M.E. Field are visiting Company Creek this week. The working force at the Blue Jay camp consists of J.D. McDermott, manager; Vincent McDermott, drill sharpener and blacksmith; Arthur Smith, nephew of the manager, cook and ore hustler; and Messers F.F. Keller, Peter Robichaud, H.H. Hunt and Mr. Buckhorn, miners the latter being divided into day and night shifts. A merry party made up of M.E. Field as guide and host, Mrs. Britt, the little Miss Emilie Peaslee and Gretchen Purple, Master Bert Purple, Dr. Hunt of Spokane, and a newspaper map, visited Rainbow Falls on Wednesday of last week. This fall is 300 feet high and its roar can be heard a long distance away. It is one of the rarest, most striking bits of scenery in the northwest and is visited annually by a great many people. If there is pleasanter place on the footstool than the Hotel Arganaut at Stehekin, we have failed so far to find it. Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field know just how to cater to the public comfort. It was the privilege of the editor of the Leader and his wife to enjoy the hospitality of that hostelry of several days last week, and it was with the greatest reluctance that they forced themselves to come away. |
Oct 22, 1897
(Following are parts of the column “Facts About Lake Chelan.” We have this from earlier issues, but there may be some changes.) There are three streamers and one gasoline launch at present playing on the lake, viz: the Stehekin (mail steamer), Dragon, Rusler and Mountaineer. Tourists can find simple accommodations at the Chelan Hotel, Chelan; the Lake View House, Jos. Darnell proprietor, Lakeside; Moore’s Hotel, Col. J. Robt. Moore, proprietor, Moore’s Point; and at the Hotel Arganaut, M.E. Field, proprietor, Stehekin. In addition, there are lovely camping grounds at various points on the lake, convenient to hunters or miners. |
Dec 31, 1897
The Stehekin made a quick trip to Deer Point last week, bringing down some 27 horses belonging to Dan Devore and M.E. Field to be wintered at Feickert’s. The round trip of 50 miles occupied, including stops, only a little over half a day. |
January 21, 1898
Merritt Field of Stehekin has a large contract to get out logs for the Kingman and Sullins sawmill at Lakeside this winter. |
February 25, 1898
Capt. And Mrs. Charles Johnson were passengers on Monday’s boat for Stehekin, to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. Field. |
Oct 28, 1898
(The county commissioners’ proceedings are printed and included in it is the list of election officers appointed for the November general election and for Stehekin it will be held at the Field’s Hotel with inspector F.F. Keller; the judges will be W.F. Purple and James W. Nicol. |
Nov 25, 1898
Mr. H.A. Graham accompanied Hon. M.E. Field to Seattle last week, returning on Monday’s steamer. It is understood the former went after more new goods for his mercantile establishment. Since the foregoing was written it is learned that Mr. Graham did not return until Tuesday evening’s state. Mr. Field has gone to Denver on mining business. |
Dec 16, 1898
Official returns of the Nov. 1898 election, Stehekin Only: Whole county: M.E. Field, 541 votes; Henry Carr, 377 votes Stehekin Voted as Follows: Congressman: Jones (Republican) 6, Lewis 2 (Populist Party) Cushman 6 (R), Jones 2 (PP) Judges of the Supreme Court: Anders (R) 6, Heuston (PP); Fullerton (R) 6, Godman (PP) 2 Representative: Field – 5, Carr 2 Sheriff: Dickson (R) 6, Reid 2 (All the way down, it’s pretty much 6 and 2) Tax amendments: For – none, against – 3 Women’s suffrage: for – one, against – one Removal of county seat: For – 6, against – none |
Jan 20, 1899
Legislature (only part of the article is included here.) Rep. Field, of Okanogan, is chairman of the House committee on mines and mining, and a member of three other committees, viz: on water, water rights and irrigation; banks and banking; and State penitentiary. Senator Plummer has introduced a bill for the appropriation of $11,500 for the completion of the Cascade state road, $7,000 to connect it with Lake Chelan and $4,500 for widening the road from Bridge Creek to Horseshoe Basin mines. |
Feb 17, 1899
Frank Dallam, editor of the Lincoln County Times, dips his pen in gall and goes for Representative Field roughshod for voting against Jno. L. Wilson for Senator. |
March 24, 1899
Representative M.E. Field and family returned on Monday from Olympia, where Mr. Field succeeded in making an excellent record as a representative, and procured the enactment of several good laws, among them that on mining, published by the Leader recently. They returned to their home at Stehekin on today’s steamer. |
April 28, 1899
Hon. M.E. Field made a trip to the Okanogan last week on business pertaining to state road building at the head of the lake, so we understand. |
June 2, 1899
Hon. M.E. Field and family, of Stehekin, made a short visit to the foot of the lake over Sunday. |
Dec 21, 1899
M.E. Field, of Stehekin, took Tuesday’s boat for Wenatchee. |
Jan 11, 1900
M.E. Field and Ben Smith went up to Deer Point to look up their cattle business. |
Jan 11, 1900
M.E. Field and wife returned last Thursday from a trip to the Sound. |
Jan 18, 1900
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field, of Stehekin, were guests his week of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Whaley. |
Feb 8, 1900
It is hinted that M.E. Field, who misrepresented Okanogan County in the legislature two years ago, is nosing around for the nomination of joint senator from this district. Surely there is some honest man whose word can be depended upon in the Republican party in Lincoln, Chelan or Okanogan Counties who could be induced to accept this nomination. — Lincoln County Times |
April 12, 1900
A road extending from M.E. Field’s warehouse at Stehekin to the Marblemount state road was declared a county road. |
April 12, 1900
M.E. Field is building anew 24-room hotel at Stehekin. It is to be lathed, plastered and painted in good and substantial style. |
May 10, 1900
M.E. Field, of Stehekin, came down Thursday, returning on Friday. He is erecting a large and sightly hotel at the head of the lake. Capt. Dexter is up there at present building a big brick fireplace and chimney. |
May 17, 1900
Joe Leebl and Mr. Ohlhausen are writing here (Lakeside) with pack horses for Mr. Almendinger and family to come down the lake whence they will go up to Robinson Creek and make that their headquarters for the summer, packing for the Slate Creek mines. |
July 5, 1900
Representative M.E. Field has nearly completed a fine three-story hotel at Stehekin. |
July 19, 1900
Quite a number of people went up to Stehekin yesterday to attend the ceremonial opening of Field’s new hotel by a grand ball last night. |
July 26, 1900
It is said that Field’s big new hotel is filled to overflowing and sleeping room is at a premium. |
July 26, 1900
Those who went to the opening of the new Field Hotel at Stehekin last week, report having had a most enjoyable time. |
August 23, 1900
J.P. Riley, of Lakeside, who has been employed for some time on Field’s new hotel at Stehekin, dropped in on us for a little visit Thursday, and from him it is learned that the aforesaid hostelry is completed. |
May 2, 1901
C.A. Conforth and mother left for Stehekin Friday morning, where they will stay this summer, he having bough M.E. Field’s horses and pack outfits. |
May 16, 1901
M.E. Field reports his big log drive already one mile below camp and as the Stehekin river is rising rapidly, he will soon have them in boom at the lake. We are sorry to report the illness of our friend Louis Dart, who came down on the Stehekin Tuesday for treatment under Dr. Parrish. Mr. Nels M. Roos came near losing his life while stretching cable for a ferry across the river here the other day. In some manner the boat was capsized and Mr. Roos had quite a ducking but at last accounts was all ok and the cable is now in operation. H.B. Dennis has been developing the Isoletta silver mine for the past two years and is getting a promising showing. George L. Rowse is doing assessment work on the Quien Sabe mine and other properties belonging to him at Doubtful Lake. Hon. M.E. Field was called to Colorado last week by the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Greybeal, and will be absent several weeks. Julius Hollenbeck, who is connected with the line kiln at Dutch Harbor, killed a small mountain lion with a shotgun on Wednesday night of last week. The Misses Julia and Florence Bergman and Miss Berenice Smith are assisting Mr. and Mrs. Field to take care of the unusual rush of tourists at Stehekin. Tow of S.S. Fluhart’s men, who are running a 300-foot tunnel on his properties in Thunder Creek, were down to Stehekin for supplies last week. They report fine prospects. While at Bridge Creek, the writer was pleased to make the acquaintance of Mr. T.L. Cockrum, of Arkansas, who with Mr. Roy Earl is developing the promising mining property of the Thunder Creek Mining Co., on Thunder Creek, about 13 miles from Bridge Creek, and where they recently made a strike of about a foot of rich galena ore. |
May 16, 1901
M.E. Field reports his big log drive already one mile below camp and as the Stehekin river is rising rapidly, he will soon have them in boom at the lake. We are sorry to report the illness of our friend Louie Dart, who came down on the Stehekin for treatment under Dr. Parrish. |
Dec 5, 1901
Messers M.E. Field and Sherman Pearl, of Stehekin; Jack Sommers, from Copper Basin, and Jay Howard Watson, of Harverene Lodge, were passengers on the mail steamer down the lake Saturday. |
August 21, 1902
The Sons and Daughters of Rest To the Editor: Here at Stehekin, at the head of Lake Chelan, on this the 18th day of August, 1902, amidst the grandest scenery of the northwest, while our ears are rendered joyous by the sound of the streams and the music of the birds, and our eyes feasted on the sublime beauty of nature, until they become dreamy by reason of the glow of the atmosphere, and our souls seem akin to the Maker, and man, also woman, become nothing in comparison to the works of God, so man, also woman, seeing the uselessness of effort, succumb to the influences of Nature and the man good things afforded us by our worthy host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field, and ally ourselves together as a club for mutual spiritual dreaminess, and name the club “The Sons and Daughters of Rest.” Given under my hand and the Great Bear Fish and Goat Seal, this 18th day of August, 1902. By the president, Rev. W. Leslie Clay Seal Victoria, B.C. Witnesses Mrs. R.D. McDonald, Tacoma John P. Sweeney, M.D., Seattle Mrs. J.P. Sweeney, Seattle Florence M. Clay, Victoria B.C. Mrs. W.Q. Marsh, Seirra Mojada Mexico. |
Jan 2, 1903
On Monday evening, Mrs. Ben Smith and Mrs. Fred Pflaeging gave a card party at the residence of the latter, in honor of Hon. and Mrs. M.E. Field, who came down from Stehekin Saturday en route to Olympia. A pleasant and enjoyable time was had. The invited guests were: Hon. and Mrs. M.E. Field, Mr. and Mrs. Whaley, Mr. and Mrs. Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Berrier, Mr. and Mrs. Holden, Judge and Mrs. C.C. Campbel, Mr. and Mrs. Lies, Mr. and Mrs. Cox, Capt. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Steele, Mrs. Mary Smith, Miss Carlyle, L.H. Spader and C.G. Ridout. (Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Long were added a week later.) |
Jan 2 1903
Hon. and Mrs. M.E. Field, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pflaeging, this week, departed today for Olympia. |
Jan 23, 1903
Representative Field is on four legislative committees, viz: education, mines and mining, water rights and irrigation, and game and game fish, being chairman of the latter. |
Jan 30, 1903
What He Is Doing Our representatives, the Hon. M.E. Field, is busy, as the following array of bills introduced by him in the legislature will show: House Bill No. 54 – establishing a trout hatchery on Lake Chelan and appropriating 34,000. House Bill No. 55 – fixing close season for trout fishing in Chelan County from April 15 to June 1, each year. House Bill No.62 – providing for appointment and qualification of Assistant Commissioner of Public Lands; declares emergency. House Bill No.63 – providing for protection of trout and other game fish and providing punishment; declares emergency; prohibits taking of game fish for purposes of sale or preserving until April 1, 1908. House Bill No. 79 – providing a Superior Judge for the counties of Chelan, Douglas and Okanagan. Declares and emergency. House Bill No. 131 – appropriating $5,000 for Farmers’ Institute. House Bill No. 149 – providing for construction of a bridge across the Columbia River at Wenatchee; appropriates $50,0000. House Bill No.150 – appropriates $970 for relief of Dora S. Tibbets, for land sold to her by the state which afterwards proved to belong to an Indian allotment. His vote in the senatorial contest has been for Preston from the first. |
Feb 6, 1903
Hon. M.E. Field, Chelan County’s able representative, is to be commended for his course thus far in the legislature. He has acted entirely consistent with the platform upon which he was elected – and in that he was different from many of his colleagues. All honor to the legislator who keeps the faith with his constituents. |
Feb 27, 1903
The legislative committee to which was referred Field’s bill to grant permission to put in the Chelan breakwater reported the same to the House Tuesday with recommendation that it be passed. |
March 6, 1903
Mr. E.A. Russell, now in charge of the Field Hotel at Stehekin, came down from the lake last Wednesday for a brief visit, returning Friday. |
June 5, 1903
Word reached here on Tuesday that Nels M. Roos, of Seattle, had been found dead in his cabin on Bridge Creek. He went up the lake about two weeks ago and went on up to his mine. Being absent longer than expected, Messers M.E. Field, Wagner and Dan Devore got uneasy and started to find out what was the matter. They got to his cabin and found him lying dead on his bed. Apparently he had reached there exhausted and died before he could build a fire or help himself. It is understood he was buried in the snow until his family could be communicated with. |
Jan 8, 1904
(article about a group of Chelanites going up to Stehekin and staying at the Field Hotel for 3 days. It said “the party was favored with a private view of the exquisite paintings of Mr. Julien E. Itter, who has spent several months among the Stehekin scenery and Cascades generally, making sketches of the strikingly beautiful scenery peculiar to that region. Mr. Itter’s paintings will be placed on exhibition at St. Louis, where Mr. Itterr will have charge of the entire upper story of the Washington building.” |
July 29, 1904
It is understood that Field’s Hotel, the popular resort at Stehekin, is entertaining a large number of tourists. |
August 26, 1904
George and Gene Oldhausen, brothers of Mrs. M.E. Field, of Stehekin, started from here Saturday for Dawson, N.W. Territory, where they have a brother and hope to accumulate a fortune faster than it can be accomplished here. We wish them success. |
Oct 9, 1904
A jolly party made up of Messers. Ben F. Smith, A.H. Murdoch, J.D. Berrier and G.L. Richardson and their wives, together with Judge C.C. Campbell, Mrs. C.E. Whaley and Mrs. Ehrmantraut, went up the lake to Stehekin Monday, where they will be joined by Hon. M.E. Field and family will proceed to Bridge Creek for 10 days’ outing, which will including hunting, fishing, prospecting and a general good time. |
April 7, 1905
It is with great pleasure we notice that W.P. Robinson, A.S. Crumrine, C. Greenwood, A.M. Murdoch, L.H. Miller, S.J. Gray and M.E. Field have sent to town several boxes of samples of ores from the Emerald Queen, Grace, Lucknow, Holden Extension, North Star, Mosco, Chico, Duplex, Crocker, King Solomon, Quien Sabe and Copper Queen mines. A.F. Cox said he is glad to state that he is meeting with good success and in getting minerals, and has the promise from many more of the rich properties as soon as the melting snows have left the mines accessible. |
April 21, 1905
Born, at Stehekin, on Saturday, April 15, to Hon. and Mrs. M.E. Field, a 10 ½ lb. son. Dr. G.M. Parrish was the attending physician. |
June 2, 1905
The new heir and autocrat of the Field family at Stehekin has been named Hal Merritt Field. He is a well-built, dark-haired, blue-eyed boy who gives promise of being harder to down than his respected daddy in the sweet bye and bye. He is a fine baby boy and has escaped the dangers of the whooping cough—now prevalent – so far. |
June 16, 1905
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Tester went to Stehekin Wednesday morning. They will spend the summer in the hills for the benefit of Mrs. Tester’s health. Mr. Tester will occupy his time with freighting and packing from the head of the lake to Horseshoe Basin for H.F. Buckner. |
June 16, 1905
Misses. Lydia and Eunice George left on Monday’s uplake boat for Bridge Creek, where Miss Lydia will conduct a wayside inn for the accommodation of tourists and miners during the summer months. |
July 7, 1905
Hon. M.E. Field went up lake on Thursday last week from a business trip to the coast. |
Sep 22, 1905
The members of the Teachers Institute, to the number of about 60 happy people, went up the lake to Stehekin yesterday on the Belle of Chelan. It was arranged that some of the sessions in the program, as printed on the first page, would be held at the Field Hotel and on the return trip on the boat today. (Section from the first page pertaining to the above:) On Thursday the members of the Institute were transported to Stehekin on the eleant steamer Belle of Chelan, and the program was carried out in part at the Hotel Field, amidst surroundings as grand and awe-inspiring as ever before environed a teachers’ institute, and contributed their quota of inspection and enjoyment in unstinted and thoroughly appreciated measures. |
Jan 12, 1906
Hon. M.E. Field, proprietor of the Hotel Field at Stehekin, came down Saturday to attend the Masonic installation and remained over until Tuesday’s boat. |
Feb 2, 1906
Hon. M.E. Field returned Sunday from a business trip to Wenatchee and was guest of the Hotel Chelan until Tuesday. He was slightly under the weather, but it is hoped is fully recovered by this time. Mr. Field says there appears to be no doubt that Lake Chelan will get a railroad started this way this year. |
Feb 16, 1906
Forest Supervisor G.M. Wilham, Mrs. Barbara Schearer, and others went over to Waterville this week to attend the hearing of the case of U.S. vs. John Blackburn, A.C. Edwards before the Land Office, which was set for Wednesday. The cases is in connection with a mining claim on what is locally known as the “Bridge Creek townsite,” near the mouth of Bridge Creek, 15 miles from Stehekin. Among the others who went over as witnesses were Messers Dan Devore, Charles Wolverton, Claude M. Johnson and Hon. M.E. Field. |
May 10, 1906 – Wenatchee World
Bernard Devin, Seattle, is in Stehekin to enlarge the acetylene gas plant in the M.E. Field hotel. The gas plant is the largest in Chelan county. |
Sep 14, 1906
Hon. M.E. Field returned last week from a trip to Colorado. |
September 14, 1906
Ed Cross and Claude Johnson, who went uplake last week, are prospecting the Agnes district, which through little known affords a promising field for minerals. |
Sep 21, 1906
Supt. Of Schools E. Riste, Assistant Supt. J.E. Porter and a large number of teachers came up from Wenatchee Saturday and were taken to Stehekin on the Lady of the Lake the same day, and are holding their Teachers Institute sessions at the Hotel Field this week. It was a part of their very attractive program that they should return to Lakeside yesterday and hold their closing sessions on Thursday afternoon and Friday in Lakeside Hall, but the Leader goes to press too soon to get a report of the meetings. |
Jan. 25, 1907
Hon. M.E. Field has gone to Seattle on a business trip. |
Jan 25, 1907
Miss Olive Field, of Stehekin, began attendance at the Chelan public school last week. |
Feb 1, 1907
Messers. M.E. Field and L.M. Weaver of Stehekin, returned from Wenatchee Sunday and went up lake Tuesday. Mr. Weaver, it is understood went out with the intention of taking a course of instruction in taxidermy, but owing to the pressure of business of the firm of Weaver Bros. at home he was forced to return. |
Feb 22, 1907
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field has been quite ill for a week past but is said to be improving under Dr. Mitchell’s skilled treatment. |
June 14, 1907
R.M. Ward and J.W. Parsons, of Lakeside, went to Stehekin Monday to lay the rock foundation for a large summer residence which F.W. Vollner will build on the lakeshore property purchased last year from M.E. Field. |
July 19, 1907
The Hotel Field, always famous for its comfort and good cheer, is better than ever this year, and considering the lateness of the season, is sheltering a large number of guests, all of whom are loud in praise of its ample accommodations and especially of its appetizing tables. It is located in a spot of rare beauty and is health giving. As a single instance, Editor Britt, of the Chelan Leader, who is just recovering from a four-month illness, made a gain of eight pounds in one week. It is understood he and his little son Bryan will remain here for some time. Mr. M.E. Field returned Tuesday evening from an extended trip with his pack train to Horseshoe Basin and Bridge Creek with miners’ and tourists’ supplies. Since last year some noticeable and important changers have been made in the grounds of the hotel. The landing place of the steamers has been changed and a new wharf has been built further south and with a much better landing and new fences and sidewalks are in evidence. Ed Merritt’s portable sawmill saws out all the rough lumber required right here at home. F.W. Vollmer is building a handsome bungalow on his property here, to be used as a summer residence. Several well known lower lake people are employed in its construction, among whom are J.W. Chatfield, of Chelan, and R.M. War, of Lakeside, the latter building a stone foundation and chimneys, including a fine fireplace. Mr. Vollmer, assisted by Mr. Purple, is also clearing and preparing to seed down some meadow land. The trout fishing is just splendid at present, nearly every fishing party bringing in fine catches, many of the larger ones weigh from three to six pounds. Those who come here for the fishing are certainly not disappointed. Parties down from Bridge Creek report a large crop of huckleberries on the mountains thereabouts now ripening. The Hotel Buckner, which was a boon to the traveling public last year under the management of Mrs. Henry Buckner, has been reopened this year at the Bridge Creek camp, with Miss George, of Chelan, in charge of the culinary department. The upper terminus of the telephone line, fifteen miles long, between Stehekin and Bridge Creek, is located at the Buckner camp, and is proving of inestimable value. Quite a number of campers are located at Bridge Creek for the season, where they can fish for brook trout and gather huckleberries. Mrs. Clifford Griggs and children, together with some friends from Wenatchee, came up to Stehekin Monday to spend the summer, and Messers. Allyn and Hunter, the noted sheep men, have also secured quarters for the season at Hotel Field. Mr. Hunter is here now and Mr. Allyn is expected soon. Mr. Howard A. Graham is now installed as chief clerk at the Hotel Field, a position in which he shines to perfection, though it is a place which takes a hustler nowadays. Mrs. Graham is also here and is understood to be steadily improving in health. U.S. District attorney A.G. Avery and wife, of Spokane, spent one night here last week and were delighted, as everyone else is, with the place and surroundings and especially with Hotel Field. Weaver brothers, the furriers and taxidermists, have unusually fine stock of furs on hand, consisting of lap robes, rugs, big black and brown bear skins, cougar, linx, bobcat and others. Their business is rapidly growing. It is understood they will close shop for the winter and visit Alaska to trap and traffic for furs during the winter, returning here to reopen in the spring. |
October 26, 1911
M.E. Field and the Stinson brothers have just completed a fine cable bridge over Bridge Creek at the mouth of North Fork to replace the bridge washed out a year ago last spring. They also greatly improved the trail where it approaches the ends of the bridge to eliminate the heavy grades out of the creek canyon. The floor of the bridge is constructed of moveable planking which can be removed in the fall when the heavy snows set in and replaced in the spring. |
November 26, 1916 – Wenatchee World
The J.M. Jack family were guests at the thanksgiving celebration at Hotel Field, at Stehekin. The steamer Lady of the Lake left Chelan Thursday with a party of 60 or more Chelan and Lakeside people who are spending the four-day Thanksgiving holiday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field. |
April 12, 1922
Dan Devore came down from Field’s ranch last Saturday. |
June 7, 1922
Dan Devore has moved part of his horses and pack outfit to the Keller place and is now at Fields’ ranch… |
December 11, 1924
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field were down spending the week with Mundts. |
January 22, 1925
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field were down from uplake today. |
March 12, 1925
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field came down from their ranch Wednesday to attend the social functions. |
April 9, 1925
M.E. Field and E.A. Smith were down from 25-Mile Creek Tuesday in the interest of the 25-M-Mile Creek Road improvement. Hal Field accompanied them. |
August 6, 1925
M.E. Field and family moved to the Gaines ranch, Ferndell, which Mr. Field has just purchased. |
August 6, 1925
E.F. Gaines having sold his orchard to M.E. Field, left for British Columbia, where his daughter Mrs. Exter resides. |
January 14, 1926
Dan Devore was down from Field’s ranch last week. |
October 12, 1933
Dan Devore came down from M.E. Field’s place Tuesday, on business. |
November 2, 1933
M.E. Field has a party of Wenatchee hunters at his hunting lodge at Meadow Creek. |
December 7, 1933
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field went to Spokane on a short business trip last week. |
December 14, 1933
Dan Devore, who has been at Rex Creek, came down to Field Tuesday for the winter. |
April 5, 1934
Mr. Burnett is working at Fields’ uplake. |
April 19, 1934
Dan Devore sent his horses to the head of the lake on the boat Friday. Mr. Devore, who has been at Fields’ this winter will go up lake as soon as the season opens. |
July 12, 1934
Dan Devore spent July 3rd at Rex Creek, going to Stehekin the 4th and returning Friday the 5th to Field’s ranch. |
September 13, 1934
Dan Devore went to Stehekin Monday to serve as an election official Tuesday. He returned to M.E. Field’s Wednesday. |
June 14, 1937 To Soap Lake
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field, of 25-Mile Creek, went to Soap Lake Sunday, where they will take treatments. They will remain for some time. |
June 14, 1937
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field and son Hal, who were on their way to Soap Lake, stopped in Waterville at the Mitchell home for dinner and to greet Mr. and Mrs. Murdock and offer their congratulations. Hal Field returns Sunday night. |
July 1, 1937
M.E. Field returned Sunday from Soap Lake. Mrs. Field will remain a while longer for treatment. |
July 23, 1937
Mrs. M.E. Field returned last week from Soap Lake. Mrs. Field was greatly helped by the treatment she received there. |
August 5, 1937
Mrs. M.E. Field and Mrs. Norris Gills were hostesses at a delicious dessert luncheon, Saturday. Games were played during the afternoon. Mrs. J.C. Townsend, Mrs. B. Schaller and Mrs. Titus Hale were prize winners. Those present were Mesdames Don Miller of Wenatchee, E.A. Russell, R. Keck, P.A. Brattain, J.C. Townsend, B.C. Shepard, L.M. Mitchell, David Skaff, Harry Donavan, B. Schaller, Titus Hale, H.E. Hale and the Misses Kathryn Field and Ruth Gills. |
April 21, 1938
Mrs. M.E. Field was visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Gills of East Wenatchee for several days last week. She returned home Monday. |
May 12, 1938
Miss Irene Buckner of Stehekin has been visiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field. |
May 19, 1938
Mrs. M.E. Field returned home Saturday from East Wenatchee where she has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Norris Gills, this past month. |
June 10, 1938
Community Roast – Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field were hosts at a community wiener roast at their uplake home Saturday evening. Forty were present. The evening was spent with singing and dancing. |
June 16, 1938
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field, Mrs. Hal Field and daughter, Mary Ellen, left Monday for Spokane, where they will attend the state grange convention. |
July 31, 1941 “25-Mile Creek”
Mr. M.E. Field was among those who attend the house party of Mrs. J.H. Mundt at her summer cabin at Stehekin last week. |