Jim Scheuyeaulle – early settler and miner, came to Stehekin in 1889 with McKeever.
Oct, 27, 1892
Rising Resolutions The Miners and Settlers of Stehekin Valley Heard From Stehekin, Wash., Oct. 21, 1892 – (To the Chelan Leader) – At an indignant meeting held here today the following resolutions were passed: 1. Resolved, that a vote of thanks be presented to DeWitt C. Britt for the splendid write-up of our valley which appeared in a recent issue of the Chelan Leader, and that a cordial invitation be extended to his to come again. 2. Resolved, that our thanks are due to the Chelan Leader for bringing to public notice the manner in which we have been used in regard to a certain county road appropriation. 3. Resolved, that we condemn the article in the paper printed “At the Boat Landing at the Foot of the Lake,” signed “Stehekin,” as an outrage on the hospitality of the miners and settlers in this county. 4. Resolved, that in our belief, if the aforesaid “Stehekin” stubbed his toes on pieces of quarts, it was when he was in the employ of the county, surveying county roads. Signed, William Buzzard, C.H. Cole, D. Moran, Jim Scheuyealle, John Wilson, J.W. Horton, Robert Pershall, John W. Provance |
May 25, 1893
At the last term of the county commissioners court Jim Scheuyeaulle was appointed Justice of the Peace in and for Stehekin precinct, and Wm. Buzzard was appointed constable. Good appointments, both of them. June 1, 1893 Red Pearl was in town last week en route to Stehekin, where he expects to develop some valuable mining property and do some prospecting. |
Jan 4, 1894
James Scheuyeaulle, a mining man and rancher of Stehekin who is also interested in Squaw Creek gold camp, came down from the latter place last week, and from him the Leader obtained the following items of interest: Mr. Scheuyeaulle has bonded two claims recently, the Savage Queen and Diamond Flush, to Messers. G.L. Rowse, Alex McLean and W. Yeargin, and these gentlemen are now engaged in running a tunnel 100 feet on the latter claim. |
Feb 22, 1895
Mrs. Jim Scheuyeaulle of Stehekin, who has been spending the winter with friends in the east, returned Tuesday and will go up the lake on Friday’s steamer |
August 30, 1895
Not So Much of a Fake The Biggest Gold Fine in the Country Close to Stehekin Very Nicely Smuggled by the Discoverers but the Trick didn’t work – thirteen new claims filed and great excitement among mining men – rush for the new camp on this morning’s steamer, etc. Several weeks ago, it was rumored that Messers. Stillwell and Brigham, two Spokane gentlemen, had discovered gold on Company Creek, near the head of Lake Chelan. This created quite a ripple of excitement, but as the aforesaid gentlemen denied the rumor, said there was nothing in it, and took their departure for Spokane, not much more was thought of the matter. However, they came back last week, and went up the lake to the same vicinity, first reiterating to the Leader and the steamboat men that the reported find was a fake, and that they were on their way to the gold camp on the Twistp. S.J. Gray, who came down Wednesday, is authority for the following: It appears that the Messers. Horton, Scheuyeaulle and others at Stehekin became suspicious that Stillwell and Brigham were covering up a find, and followed the gentlemen, with the result that they have filed thirteen additional claims in that vicinity, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the biggest gold discovery of the northwest, so far ats their knowledge goes. |
Nov 15, 1895
Letter from Stehekin Twistp Horton and Charlie Cole are on the hunt. Jim Scheuyeaulle is getting out timber for a new house. M.E. Field and W.J. Jewell are in the shingle business. Gus Anderson and M.A. Almendinger have gone over the summit to do assessment work on the Eldorado. R.N. Pershall is building an addition to the north end of his residence. He returned from Meadow Creek a few days since, where he has been doing some assessment work. If there is much ore in the camp like the specimens he brought up with him, that camp will surely be one of the best in the state, situated as it is, right on the bank of the lake, and where the climate is such that there will be no difficulty in working all winter. Mr. Pershall has been in the mining business nearly all this season. He commenced work on the Isoletta group in May and worked in that vicinity nearly all the time until the middle of October. It is understood he has represented about seven claims in the Bridge Creek district also. Doty and Young did considerable work on the North Fork of Bridge Creek. Dr. Gage and parties from Seattle also did work in that vicinity. But probably there has been more actual money expended in Horseshoe Basin than at any other place of the same area in the county. Capt. Chas. Johnson had men at work on the Homestake and Star for some time. A.M. Pershall had several men on the Davenport and Christie claims. Ed Christie, Lloyd Pershall and Frank Samson did work on the White Cap and Opal. Harry Adams of Portland represented the Ferguson group and employed eleven men, working three shifts of eight hours each daily. He paid $2 per day and board. Five men out of the eleven have ranches at Stehekin or Bridge Creek. Two more have claims just over the summit, and two others live at or near Chelan. So, it will be seen that nine out of the eleven live in this locality and receive something over $600 in wages – which is sufficient in proof of the checks being good. As it was reported that we were half starved, our bill of fare is given herewith, as follows: Potatoes, beans, cabbage, onions, ham, bacon, beef, bread, butter, canned corn, canned tomatoes, condensed milk, Worcester sauce, vinegar, salt, pepper, tea and coffee. Even the last four or five days, when we ran short, we had plenty of bread, potatoes, tea and coffee, etc. Mr. Adams took a great interest in the work and did all he could to make it pleasant and comfortable for his men, and paid cash for all he had done. Frank F. Keller Stehekin, Nov. 13, 1895 |
Nov 29, 1895
Mrs. Scheuyeaulle of Stehekin, who has been visiting Mrs. Merritt for the past two weeks returned home Tuesday on the mail steamer. |
Dec 3, 1897
Mrs. Scheuyeaulle and little son of Stehekin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Whaley the past week. |