Bill Buzzard: Miner, Rancher and Packer

Bill Buzzard first came to the Stehekin Valley in 1889 to check…
September 3, 1891

Superintended Nichols brought down some very rich samples of ore discovered on the summit by George Hall and Mr. Buzzard. They claim the ledge to be twenty feet wide and to crop out for 300 feet. It belonged to the Horseshoe Basin group.

January 14, 1892

Robert Beyars, who is largely interested in mining properties in the Chelan Mining District, passed through Chelan Falls Saturday en route to Waterville, and from him it is learned that Donald Ferguson, who went up the lake Thursday, came back again Friday on his way to Conconully, having bought the Summit mine, the Wapaca and a three-fourths interest in the Buzzard and Upper side mines. The amount paid was not learned.

March 24, 1892

This issue of the paper reports from the U.S. Land Office at Waterville for March 16, that a Morris W. Buzzard had received a homestead patent. (Bill Buzzard?)

May 19, 1892

From Stehekin Valley

Gratifying Progress and Favorable Comparison With One Year Ago

Stehekin Valley, May 18 –

[Special] – There is considerable difference in the appearance of this place, comparing it with one year ago. At that time there was but one garden of any account in the whole valley. Now there are twelve on the north side of the river, and judging from their appearance of the owners will be amply rewarded for the labor and expense of planting. Choice varieties of fruit trees are also being planted. One year ago there were about four actual settlers on the north side of the river. Now there are thirteen, eight of whom have families.

There has been but little work done on the road as yet, but nevertheless, Mr. Buzzard hauled over 1,00 pounds of potatoes on his wagon up to the rock slide, and we think that if the country would appropriate one half the amount that was appropriated on the south side of the river we could have a passable wagon road from the head of the lake to the north of the Agnes.

October 27, 1892

The Leader acknowledges receipt on Monday, through the kindness of J.W. Provance of a sack of potatoes sent down from Stehekin valley by William Buzzard. There were 18 potatoes and they weighted 13 ¾ lbs. they were of the white elephant variety, raised on Mr. Buzzards place 2 ½ miles above the head of the lake, they were of the first crop raised on the land. They were hard to beat. Mr. Buzzard is very fortunate, as is every other settler in that the productive valley, in serving a home combining the poetry and romance of a wild and weird mist amid tumbling cascades and towering mountains, with extreme healthfulness of climate and fertile soil which will make its possession wealthy more certainly than a gold mine.

October 27, 1892

Rising Resolutions

The Miners and Settlers of Stehekin Valley Heard From

Stehekin, Wash., Oct. 21, 1892 – (To the Chelan Leader) – At an indignant meeting held here today the following resolutions were passed:

1.      Resolved, that a vote of thanks be presented to DeWitt C. Britt for the splendid write-up of our valley which appeared in a recent issue of the Chelan Leader, and that a cordial invitation be extended to his to come again.

2.      Resolved, that our thanks are due to the Chelan Leader for bringing to public notice the manner in which we have been used in regard to a certain county road appropriation.

3.      Resolved, that we condemn the article in the paper printed “At the Boat Landing at the Foot of the Lake,” signed “Stehekin,” as an outrage on the hospitality of the miners and settlers in this county.

4.      Resolved, that in our belief, if the aforesaid “Stehekin” stubbed his toes on pieces of quarts, it was when he was in the employ of the county, surveying county roads.

Signed, William Buzzard, C.H. Cole, D. Moran, Jim Scheuyealle, John Wilson, J.W. Horton, Robert Pershall, John W. Provance

November 24, 1892

Donald Ferguson did not get away Wednesday of last week as expected, but remained over until Saturday, when he started for Wenatchee on horseback, accompanied by Jack Empey and Wm. Buzzard.

March 16, 1893

Wm. Buzzard, who spent the winter in Chester, Spokane county, returned to Chelan Saturday en route to the Stehekin valley, where he has a valuable and attractive farm almost at the foot of Rainbow Falls. Mr. Buzzard is one of the very fortunate owners of mining property in Horseshoe Basin, which he will proceed to develop as soon as it can be reached.

March 16, 1893

Messers. Wm. Buzzard, P.F. Farley and John Ohlhausen were among the passengers who went up the lake on the Dragon Monday.

March 29, 1895

William Buzzard has returned to Stehekin from Spokane where he spent the winter. He is the owner of a valuable ranch at Rainbow Falls in the Stehekin valley, also, some fine silver property in Horseshoe Basin.

May 25, 1893

At the last term of the county commissioners court Jim Scheuyeaulle was appointed Justice of the Peace in and for Stehekin precinct, and Wm. Buzzard was appointed constable. Good appointments, both of them.

June 1, 1893

Red Pearl was in town last week en route to Stehekin, where he expects to develop some valuable mining property and do some prospecting.

March 29, 1895

William Buzzard has returned to Stehekin from Spokane, where he spent the winter. He is the owner of a valuable ranch at Rainbow Falls in the Stehekin valley, also some fine silver property in Horseshoe Basin.

June 19, 1896


Pack and Saddle Train is now at the head of Lake Chelan, ready for business. Charges reasonable.

For information address:

Wm. Buzzard, Stehekin, Washington.

April 3, 1896

Wm. Buzzard of Stehekin is called on the Leader Monday, en route from Spokane for home. Mr. Buzzard is getting ready to do a general freight and passenger business from the head of the lake to all the mining camps in that vicinity, and will be able to furnish good saddle or pack horses on short notice.

September 4, 1896

Wm. Buzzard of Stehekin has traded his pack train to M.E. Field.

Oct 16, 1896

The commissioners have appointed the following officers of election for the 3rd of November: Stehekin precinct – Inspector, J.R. Moore; judges, Wm. Buzzard and Wm. Jewell.

April 23, 1897

Wm. Buzzard, the well-known Stehekin miner and farmer, arrived in town Friday from Spokane, where he spent the winter. Mr. Buzzard will put in the summer developing his valuable mining properties above the head of the lake.

June 18, 1897


Louis Meier has a new cabin at the mouth of Camas Creek.

Moore’s Point is attracting not a little of the tourist and mining travel this season.

Frank Larson has an excellent farm just below Moore’s Point, and a sightly home on the lake shore.

It is altogether probable that a matting plant will be erected at Meadow Creek ere this time next year.

Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Purple and three children of Tacoma, lately from Montana, have settled at Stehekin, were Mr. P. will engage in mining.

Dr. W.C. Hunt, dentist, and Frank Bratton, photographer, both Spokanites, are “doing” the Lake Chelan, Horseshoe Basin and Twitsp sections for health and scenery.

William Buzzard pleasantly entertained ye quill pusher at his farm, under the spray of Rainbow Falls, one day last week. Mr. B. has a valuable and beautiful home that will be worth  a barrel of money one of these days, it is hoped.

Among the bales of fine furs, goat, bear and linx skins which Red Pearl is getting ready to ship from the head of the lake, is a monster mountain lion skin which measured eight feet in length.

The Stehekin Mining Co., of Spokane has organized to develop seven claims at Company Creek, and last week John Blackburn, an old Coeur d’Alene mining man, was sent out to run a 100-foot tunnel on the property.

The latest discovery in Meadow Creek camp, on Fish Creek, properly, is the Golden Eagle, located by Messers Thomas Wilson and G.A. Olsen. We have a piece of the ore which looks remarkably well.

Not least among the attractions at the Hotel Arganaut are two bear cubs, one black and one brown. They were captured by Bud White, who shot the mother and presented the orphans to Mrs. Field.

A blast in the working tunnel of the Blue Jay just after noon on Saturday before last broke into quite a fissure, out of which a five-inch stream of water flowed for several hours.

C.H. Cole is farming and gardening quite extensively this year. His place is just below Deer Point, opposite 25-Mile Creek. He is going to surprise the natives with his exhibit at the fair next fall. Mr. Cole is making a nice home for himself and family.

The scribe is informed that just above Navarre’s famous lime ledge, below Deer Point, there is a mineral outcrop which is claimed to have assayed as high as $17 in gold to the ton, but nothing has been done with it, so far. We give it as we got it.

Away near the Idaho mine, on Meadow Creek, during the thunder storms of two weeks ago, the lightning struck in the top of a fir tree about a hundred feet high, tearing out a strip seven inches wide around and around the tree to the roots, where it disappeared to the ground.

Dr. E.W. Wood, of New York, is visiting the great mining camps along and above Lake Chelan. The doctor, who has worldwide experience as a traveler, says three is noting in Switzerland that equals our mountain scenery. He is also greatly impressed with the magnitude and apparent wealth of our mineral ledges. Mr. Wood is looking for mines for New York capitalists and says he can bring more money here for investment than the steamer Stehekin can carry, if we can show that we have the mines – and in the light of recent developments and discoveries there should be no trouble in doing that. The doctor and M.E. Field are visiting Company Creek this week.

The working force at the Blue Jay camp consists of J.D. McDermott, manager; Vincent McDermott, drill sharpener and blacksmith; Arthur Smith, nephew of the manager, cook and ore hustler; and Messers F.F. Keller, Peter Robichaud, H.H. Hunt and Mr. Buckhorn, miners the latter being divided into day and night shifts.

A merry party made up of M.E. Field as guide and host, Mrs. Britt, the little Miss Emilie Peaslee and Gretchen Purple, Master Bert Purple, Dr. Hunt of Spokane, and a newspaper map, visited Rainbow Falls on Wednesday of last week. This fall is 300 feet high and its roar can be heard a long distance away. It is one of the rarest, most striking bits of scenery in the northwest and is visited annually by a great many people.

If there is pleasanter place on the footstool than the Hotel Arganaut at Stehekin, we have failed so far to find it. Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Field know just how to cater to the public comfort. It was the privilege of the editor of the Leader and his wife to enjoy the hospitality of that hostelry of several days last week, and it was with the greatest reluctance that they forced themselves to come away.

April 1, 1898

Mr. Wm. Buzzard, miner and rancher on the Stehekin, returned last week from his winter quarters in Spokane.

June 24, 1898

Bill Buzzard departed for Spokane last week, and will run a thresher in that neighborhood during the ensuing harvest.

April 7, 1899

Messers Wm. Buzzard and John Daly came in last week from Spokane. The former left for his home at the head of the lake on Friday’s boat. Mr. Buzzard has a very attractive ranch on the Stehekin, that takes in the famous Rainbow Falls, which are over 300 feet high.

Feb 22, 1900

William Buzzard is down from the head of the lake this week.

June 21, 1900

William Buzzard, one of the Leader’s staunch friends on the Stehekin, was at the foot of the lake Tuesday night.

January 24, 1901

Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners of Chelan County, meeting in Wenatchee Monday, January 7th. The following bills were allowed and warrants ordered down for the same:

(Each precinct is listed separately – only the Stehekin precinct is included here.)

Stehekin Precent

Wm. Buzzard, inspector ….. $3.00

Wm. Buzzard, portage …….    .25

E.A. Russell, clerk ………… 3.00

S.S. Pearl, judge …………… 3.00

Wm. J. Margerum …………. 3.00

On Wed., Jan. 9th, another board meeting was held, at which time the road districts were re-numbered, and the Stehekin Road District became District No. 9. No apportionment was made to the Stehekin district.

March 6, 1902

Our friend Wm. Buzzard of Rainbow Falls, on the Stehekin, was a visitor at the foot of the lake over Sunday and called on us Monday morning.

April 10, 1903

Wm. Buzzard came down from Stehekin Saturday, returning home on Tuesday’s boat.

May 22, 1903

Wm. Buzzard, of Stehekin, was among our Saturday callers.

November 13, 1903

Wm. Buzzard came down lake from his home near Stehekin last Thursday, and made this office a pleasant call.

September 30, 1904

Wm. Buzzard, who owns a fine farm on the Stehekin almost at the foot of the splendid Rainbow Falls, was shaking hands with his friends at the foot of the lake last Saturday.

Oct 27, 1905

William Buzzard came down from Stehekin on Tuesday’s boat and remained over until this morning. He reports eight feet of snow already in the Horseshoe Basin and upper Stehekin Valley. He has been helping Henry F. Buckner get in his supplies this fall and says it was a most disagreeable job on account of the unfavorable weather.

September 28, 1906

“Billy” Buzzard, the prosperous Rainbow Falls rancher and Democratic politician of the Stehekin valley, was a visitor at the foot of the lake from Saturday until Wednesday.

January 4, 1907

Our good friend, “Billy” Buzzard of Rainbow Falls ranch in the Stehekin Valley gave us a call while in town last week.

February 1, 1907

“Billy” Buzzard, the proprietor of Rainbow Falls ranch on the Stehekin, spend Sunday and Monday at the foot of the lake and made his usual welcome call on the editor on Monday.

August 30, 1907

Wm. Buzzard of Rainbow Falls, was at this end of the lake on business Tuesday and Wednesday.

September 13, 1907

O.L. Bales came down last week from the Stehekin valley, where he had spent most of the summer assisting Billie Buzzard with a logging contract.

December 22, 1907

Wm. Buzzard, of Rainbow Falls ranch in the Stehekin valley, spent the interval between boats from Saturday until Tuesday attending the business matters and calling on friends at this end of the lake.

October 16, 1908

Judge Wm. Buzzard, of Stehekin, returned from a trip to the Spokane fair last week, well pleased with his trip.

May 9, 1912

Wm. Buzzard was a passenger from Stehekin to 25-Mile creek last Wednesday.

May 9, 1912

Wm. Buzzard of Sthekin was taking a few joy rides around the foot of the lake the fore part of the week.

May 30, 1912

Wm. Buzzard came down on Saturday’s boat returning Monday.

August 22, 1912

Wm. Buzzard made a flying trip to town this week, coming down yesterday and returning Today.

November 7, 1912

H.L. Eggert, a retail shoe merchant of Seattle and an old timer of the Sound country, spent Friday night in Chelan and left the following morning for home. He had spent six weeks at the head of the lake for the rest and recreation. In company with Wm. Buzzard, he was a pleasant caller at the Leader office Friday afternoon. Mr. Buzzard had acted as his guide and advisor on daily fishing excursions on the lake and they reported great sport and great luck in catches.

October 16, 1913

Wm. Buzzard is down from the head of the lake.

October 23, 1913

Wm. Buzzard will spend the winter in Lakeside and is preparing to keep bachelors quarters in Mrs. Cottrell’s house.

March 16, 1916

William Buzzard will move from his present home to the house formerly occupied by Ted Pesley.

May 4, 1916

Wm. Buzzard has gone to farming again.

December 7, 1916

Wm. Buzzard left for Spokane Tuesday for an extended visit with his old time friends, who were interested in the Coeur d’Alene country before it was put on the map.

March 15, 1917

Wm. Buzzard, who has been quite ill, is able to be about again.

April 19, 1917

William Buzzard was doing business in Wenatchee on Tuesday.

May 31, 1917

William Buzzard was a passenger for Wenatchee Tuesday. Mr. Buzzard will remodel his house on his return.

June 21, 1917

Wm. Buzzard has about completed the improvements on his home in Lakeside.

August 9, 1917

Wm. Buzzard and Geo. Washburn have gone uplake on a camping trip.

August 29, 1918

Wm. Buzzard has sold his motor boat to A. Baird of Chelan.

April 3, 1919

G.W. Buzzard, brother of Wm. Buzzard, deceased, came in from norther Idaho last Tuesday evening, to settle up his brother’s business. Mr. Buzzard may be remembered by some of the old timers, as he was here in 1892.