Stehekin is looking forward to a big boom this summer in its
tourist business, and along industrial lines as well. Stehekin Valley can boast
some of the finest ranches of Central Washington. Mines of unrivaled riches
have been opened and their development is being brought on apace. Soon vast
quantities of ore rich in gold, silver and copper will be transported down Lake
Chelan to the railroad and thence to the smelters.

The Horseshoe Basin Mining Project is to be developed this summer.
A vein of the very finest copper has been uncovered in the Horseshoe Basin, at
the headwaters of the Stehekin river. Outside capital has become deeply
interested in this project, and its development will now go forward rapidly.
The principal features are Daniel Fisher and Stintson Bros. of Spokane. As soon
as the deep snows will permit, operations will be commenced.

W.V. Buckner and wife of Hanford Cal., are expected to
arrive at Stehekin on the 25th of March, to spend the summer on
their ranch in the valley. Mr. Buckner has extensive fruit orchards in California,
where he and his wife spend their winters. Like the pioneer of old, Mr. Buckner
has tried a new experiment in fruit raising in Stehekin Valley. This experiment
has proved a wonderful success. Mr. Buckner now has 30 acres of apple trees in
bearing, 10 acres of pear trees and five acres in small fruit. He is very
enthusiastic over the climate and declares most anything can be raised here.

School opened in Stehekin Valley March 7, under the auspices
of Miss Leota Patterson of Wenatchee. The enrollment at present is nine pupils,
but incoming summer residents will increase the number to twenty. Owing to the
deep snows in winter it is impossible to hold school, so a summer term is
necessary. Teachers and pupils are looking forward to a pleasant and profitable

A new school house and teacherage are to be erected this
summer on Rainbow Flats, near the beautiful and far famed Rainbow Falls. The
school house will be a large building as it is also to be used as a community
house for entertainments for the residents of the valley.

A new church is to be erected at Rainbow Flats during the
summer. The residents of the valley have long been working towards this end,
and at las their efforts will be rewarded. This is an Improvement which any
community will be proud of.

The state fish hatchery near Rainbow Falls has been opened
for the coming season. Thousands of fish eggs are hatched here and then returned
to the streams of the valley so that the supply of fish does not become depleted.
Owing to the popularity of Stehekin and its tributaries to the fisherman, if it
was not for the untiring work of the state in restocking these streams, the supply
would soon run out.

Rainbow Lodge the summer Inn run by, Miss Lydia George, will
be open for tourist trade by May 1st. Many reservations have been
made for May 1st and as late as Oct. 15th. The owners of
summer Inns are hard put to get ready for the first rush of tourist.

Miss George is planning on many improvements to take care of
her large tourist business. Among the improvements will be a natural park which
will make Rainbow Lodge the most picturesque of summer Inns.

Dan Devore, who has been a guide in the mountains around
Stehekin for 25 years, will be here again this summer. He is building a large garage
on his place in the valley and later will purchase a large truck to transport
campers to Bridge Creek, sixteen miles up the Stehekin, Mr. Devore will also
retain his five string of saddle horses. These he will use on the higher mountain
trails. An experienced trail man has been engaged, and he will be kept constantly
on the trail with parties of tourists.

Field Hotel at the head of Lake Chelan, has many
reservations made for the summer season. The proprietor, Mr. Baker, is
enthusiastically looking forward to a busy and prosperous summer. Stehekin will
no doubt rival the summer resort at the foot of Lake Chelan this coming season.

The Tuttle Bros. are building a large, speedy launch to
accommodate the tourist trade this summer. It is their intention to run three boats
this summer, where before they have run only two. Dating from June 1st
daily boats are run between Chelan and Stehekin, a delightful run of three

Mr. Fred Bowen will manage the ranch belonging to Barney
Zell this coming season. Mr. Zell has one of the finest ranches in the valley,
located on Rainbow Flats on the banks of the Stehekin. Mr. Zell is an
enthusiast of diversified farming, carrying on stock raising as well as the
raising of grains.

A lumber mill is to erected on the Stehekin somewhere near
the site of the old mill. Water facilities and the unlimited supply of timber
make Stehekin valley rank high in the lumber industry. The new mill will be
considerably larger than the old one and will be better able to fill its orders
for lumber.

Hart and Bird both ranchers of the valley came in from the
outside this week. They predict fine crops this year owing to the deep snows
and heavy rains during the past winter.

Sprung has arrived with all her glories in Stehekin Valley.
The past two days have been rather rainy, and one can almost see the buds swell
and the grass shoot up.

Large numbers of deer have been seen in the valley,
evidently in search of herbage, as the snow is still rather deep in the mountains.
Several mountain goats have also been sighted low down on the mountain side.
These occasional glimpses of wild life add glamor to the pastoral quiet of the

Mr. Maxwell is expecting the arrival of relatives from
California to spend the summer with him on his ranch at the upper end of the
valley. Mr. Maxwell us also a diversified feed rancher, combining stock and
grain raising.

A new store and post office are to be erected at Stehekin.
Also a dance pavilion. This last will be hailed with delight by lovers of
terphischord. Mr. Henry Myers of Lucerne, we understand, is to erect these

Mr. J.W. Kinney the new fish commissioner for Washington,
visited the local fish hatchery on his tour of the fish hatcheries of this state.